21 And I saw numberless concourses of people, many of whom were pressing forward, that they might obtain the path which led unto the tree by which I stood. (1 Nephi 8:21)
"Press[ing] forward" is one of the nonbiblical Book of Mormon terms I've found in the work of Jonathan Edwards, whose work I think the Lord used to help prepare Joseph to translate.
Here are some examples from my Nonbiblical Intertextuality Database:
"If we seek never so diligently, we shall never find out an easier way to heaven than that which Christ has revealed to us. We cannot find a broader way, but if we go to heaven, the way is so narrow that we must rub hard to get along and press forward."
"While others press forward in the straight and narrow way to life, towards Zion, and laboriously travel up the hill against the inclination and tendency of the flesh, these run with a swift career down towards the valley of eternal death, towards the lake of fire, towards the bottomless pit."
"Let it be your resolution that whatever opposition, whatever self-denial, whatever labor, whatever suffering, whatever discouragement is in the way, you will press forward, you will go through all difficulties."